If you want one or more of my books, there are several places you can go. One is your local bookstore, of course.
Most bookstores carry at least one of my books. If you don’t find the one you’re looking for on the shelves, they can usually order it for you. Whenever possible, support your local independent bookstore. If you don’t, it might not be there one day. Find your local Indie Bookstore HERE!
For online orders use:
- HarperCollins.com (one of my publishers),
- Amazon.com (an online bookstore that has nearly all of my books and can deliver them by mail within a few days),
- BarnesandNoble.com (Barnes & Noble’s online bookstore).
If you need multiple copies of a book for your class or other educational purpose, you should contact my publishers. They offer a 40% discount to schools. Click HERE to obtain publisher information.
Many of my books are also available as E-BOOKS, and some of available on audio from Audible.com, iTunes, and Recorded Books.
Whatever way you use to get my books, I thank you. I wouldn’t be able to do what I do if not for you.