The Kid Who Ran for President Quiz

1. Who did Judson Moon choose as his running mate?
a. Lane
b. Chelsea
c. June
d. Abby

2. Moon changed the name of his pet bird to Cuddles. What was its real name?
a. Booger Boy
b. Snot
c. Mr. Ruffles
d. La-la

3. How did Moon raise the money to run for president?
a. He sold his baseball card collection.
b. He sold girl scout cookies.
c. He opened a lemonade stand.
d. He got the kids at school to donate their piggy banks.

4. What was the first thing Moon did after the election?
a. He abolished homework forever.
b. He resigned.
c. He installed a halfpipe in the Oval Office.
d. He partied.

5. What was Moon’s campaign slogan?
a. “Save the silkworms”
b. “Moon–he revolves around us all”
c. “Moon–he makes waves”
d. “Moon and June”

6. How old do you have to be to run for president?
a. 25
b. 35
c. 45
d. 55

7. Who was the only president Mrs. Syers ever voted for?
a. Theodore Roosevelt
b. Franklin Roosevelt
c. George Bush
d. John F. Kennedy

8. How did Moon win the debate?
a. by giving thoughtful, insightful answers to the questions.
b. by making a lot of wisecracks.
c. by keeping his mouth shut.
d. He didn’t. This is a trick question.

9. Why did Moon choose Chelsea as his first lady?
a. She was smarter than he was.
b. She was cute.
c. She blackmailed him into it.
d. Abby turned him down.

10. What did Judson’s parents do for a living?
a. Dad sold cardboard boxes. Mom sold carpet tiles.
b. Dad sold carpet tiles. Mom sold cardboard boxes.
c. They sold carpet tiles and packed them in cardboard boxes.
d. They were circus acrobats.

Answers: 1-C, 2-B, 3-C, 4-A, 5-D, 6-B, 7-B, 8-B, 9-B, 10-A

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