Virtual Visit Via Central Park!
“You were a BIG HIT on February 25th!! The children said you were the best we’ve ever had.” Lenore Piccoli, Media specialist, Mt. Pleasant School, Livingston NJ
“Our school has not stopped buzzing! Your presentations for both the younger and older students were dynamic and entertaining, but most importantly, tailored appropriately to those particular audiences.” Loren Bohlen, principal, P.S. 72, New York NY
“I just wanted to thank you for visiting Forest Avenue. We all had such a great time! The kids (and teachers) absolutely loved you!!! I have had many author visits but I have to say you were the best.” Katey McAuliffe, Librarian, Forest Avenue School, Verona NJ
“Your visit to our school was so inspiring! The kids (and teachers) are still talking about it. You truly are touching and changing children’s lives every day!!” Colleen Caulfield, Harrison School, Livingston NJ
“I wanted to tell you how the teachers and students felt about your presentation. Kids are telling me that they finally met an author who wasn’t boring!” Laura Tress, librarian, Goodnoe School, Council Rock PA
“I have never seen so many young people respond to an author the way they do to you.” Betsy Polivy, Once Upon a Time, Purchase NY
“Your preparatory materials made it so easy to arrange the visit. The students came in prepared and thus, really seemed to enjoy and appreciate what you had to tell them. Your willingness to host an author lunch and meet for a writing workshop was most appreciated. I can see why you are asked to make so many school appearances.” Judi Paradis, Robbins Library, Arlington MA
“Virtually every third grader at Indian Trail has confessed that meeting you was one of the greatest thrills in their lives.” Judy Harrison, teacher, Indian Trail School, Highland Park IL
“In every position I have had as a librarian, your books are the ones I can booktalk to the child who doesn’t like to read–and hook them on reading!” Barbara Gross, librarian, Gladwyne School, Gladwyne PA
“In all sincerity, I have to say we have had many successful Author Days, but your visit by far surpasses all the rest.” Claire Simpson, Media Specialist, South Valley School, Moorestown NJ
“We have had many author visits over the years and all the teachers and I agree that yours was the best.” Marsha Willis, librarian, Sullivan School, Mt. Prospect IL
“Ealy School is still flying high from your visit! The look on the kids’ faces when they received your autographed books was, as the commercial says, priceless!” Lori Issner, Ealy School, West Bloomfield MI
“The kids here are fighting over your books. I can honestly say I have never had the kids so excited about an author’s books after a visit. Thanks again for a great program.” Janice Green, librarian, Poplar Tree School, Fairfax County VA
“You have created a quandary for my two schools. We are about to book an author for next year, and we cannot find anyone that seems to fit the bill. You are a hard act to follow!” Linda Locker, Harmon School, Pickerington OH
“Dan was fantastic! Teachers here, who have been here for 25 years or more commented that he was the best author visit we have ever had. Everyone loved him! He was so warm, genuine, and down to earth. I enjoyed my time with him as well. How am I going to repeat another author visit like this one is beyond me. The bar is now pretty high!” Kirsten Considine, Learning Resource Center Director, Hoffman School, Glenview IL
“I can’t tell you how much the students at Wilkins enjoyed hearing your speak. Your positive message was just what the students needed to hear. The teachers were very pleased as well. I heard the comment over and over that you were the best author we’ve ever had.” Tiffany Miller, Wilkins Elementary, Marion IA
“Every step of the Author Day process with you is a librarian’s dream…from the complete author packet, to keeping in touch for questions, to presenting the perfect program for each grade level, to having an uncanny way of making each child feel special while autographing their books. Teachers came to the library and the refrain I heard was ‘He was the BEST!'” Janet Goodman, Churchill School, Fairfield NJ